Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Finally..exit blog

Finally, it has come to the end of the blog for this subject, "Theories of Architecture" in this semester. Frankly, I have learn lotsa things throughout the whole process of learning outcome and learn to analyse article by observing of surrounding and be more sensitive in design. In this subject, I love the way of writing our analysis essay through blog instead of on paper, because it can save the trees! As in no need wasting money or nature resource on writing purpose. Besides, every lessons i have learnt throughout this semester has taught me and make me to view things in different way. For example, the essay of "Home" which been told to write made me thought back alot of old memories and things that i have never thought that a simple house would give me a big impact on thinking of design and throughout my growing process.

Besides, the analysis essay of "minority report" is one of interesting learning outcome to do, as we need to watch the video clip and write the analysis report using critical thinking. This has helped me in observing every part of the show and not just watching it and forget about it. In addition, Ms Sukhjit and Ms Hajjah had prepared alots of articles for us to do analysis for essay report, one of the most interesting part of essay tutorial i like is the Heidegger's thinking on Architecture, his theory of art is building and dwelling has related, a building without its function is not an architecture, a building is a dwelling place for all, depending of the purpose of building.

Frankly, I really love this subject as it is not just learning about theories of architecture, but it had taught me to think critically and learn to observe our surrounding and analysis it. It has no boundaries and limit in learning this subject, as there is no text book for it, all we need is doing research and produce a report of our analysis. My philosophy is do not underestimate one's ability, because you will never know the limit or posibilities that we have. As a future designer, i always look into learning new things and explore myself to different surroundings and adapt myself in new things. Through this subject, it had make me feel more enthusiasm towards design and architecture, and never stop learning new things.

Lastly, I do enjoy and have learnt alot through this subject =). Peace.