Monday, July 12, 2010

Monuments, Testimony & Memory..Museum..

Museum, usually people take it as a place of history or a place to commemorating the dead, a place for heritage purpose, keep the culture and tradition of certain things from one generation to one generation.

In Malaysia, there are a few of places consist memorable of the dead and heritage purpose, for example National Monument and National Museum, these 2 are one of the famous heritage and cultural architecture building. During the ancient time, there were alots of history of Malaysia that being told from the old time till this generation. It is very important for us to know our own history of our country and even those heroes that had contribute to out country during those war. Hence, museum and monument is the place for the history being taken down and things that had heritage.

Whereas if to compare with Jewish Museum which located at Berlin, the design of the building different with the design in Malaysia. Jewish Museum has 2 elements in their concept of design. One if it was in zig-zag style, a continuous linear form of building, which is the latest building, whereas the other is in fragmented style, tortuous line, but continuing indefinitely, is the older building. The purpose of having these 2 combination of building is to formed the link of Jewish tradition and German cultural. The inspiration is from Libeskind, a musician himself, took inspiration from music and considered the museum the final act of Arnold Schoenberg's unfinished opera, Moses und Aron. The design of the architecture begins with the history of Berlin, then integrate the consciousness and memory city of Berlin. Lastly, through the acknowledgement and see through the void of Jewish life in Berlin.

In Malaysia, National Museum is mainly focus on local culture, history and also traditions, arts and crafts. Hence, the design of the building is based on wooden house, which brings back the old village style before Malaysia Independent Day. It has the uniqueness of back to the past instead of futuristic, hence it successful in commemorating the dead because the heroes has sacrificed for Malaysia during the ancient time, so it should be shown in respect way by using the concept of atap style.

Last but not least, museum is a historical heritage place to visit and be respected, as it consist of our ancient time tradition and cultural. In different country has different background, and build in different design, but as long it has the functionality in it.

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